Payment must be made at time of purchase. Orders will begin personalization after payment has cleared. After payment clears (usually the next business day) your order moves on to begin personalization. There will be no order cancellations once I begin personalizing your order. Any changes to your order must be sent IMMEDIATELY
after ordering. If you forget to leave any details at checkout on your personalization expect your order to be delayed.
There are no returns on personalized merchandise unless an error has been made on my part. If you notice any blemishes or errors in your request you must notify me within 72 hours of delivery. I will be more than happy to fix anything I overlooked or misspelled. However, no refunds will be given for improper size, not liking the colors/font, or not leaving the correct details on your order. The item will be remade exactly how it was originally ordered--same size, color, style, design, etc. If you have any questions about how something is sized please to not hesitate to ask.